Regularly communicate with your customers. It can be either via a newsletter, a letter written to them personally or paying them a visit. This is the reason you see famous brands like Coca Cola, Kentucky Fried Chicken, Colgate spending million of dollars for advertising even though most people know these brands. Even a kid knows who Colonel Sanders is. By regularly keeping in touch, your customers will feel like they are an important part of your establishment and this will encourage them to return far more often. There are a few key things to remember when creating a newsletter. Firstly you will have to do it on a regularly basis but don't do it every two weeks then this will be regarded as junk mail. A monthly newsletter is more than enough. Keep your content interesting and add in special offers here and there. As for me apart from printing flyers and putting on cars and in mailboxes, I sent personally signed letters highlighting our specials to our regulars. This is what I’ve learnt recently from a marketing article which says to take care of the 20 percent that give us 80 percent of your business. The 80/20 rule. But you must remember to continuously add more names to your list. Reason being people might shift or be transferred out. So you will constantly have a new list . Each letter is written the name of the regular instead of Dear Sir. So they will feel that I’m writing to them personally. As my list is getting bigger, I will be purchasing a stamp with my signature on it so as I cansign more letters. Malaysia is commonly known for its diversity of its multicultural community, you will find a variety of festivals here. I visit our regulars bringing some festive goodies to say hi and also thank them for their business. When I visit the Chinese regulars during the Mid Autumn festival, I bring Mooncakes. For the Muslim regulars, I visit them during the Hari Raya bringing
Malay Kueh and the Indian regulars bringing Indian sweets. This makes our regulars feel important and we are their first choice when they need a place to dine. You don’t have to go on the day of the festival, I do it about a week before the holidays.
Restaurant Promotion Ideas