Monday, January 17, 2011

The importance of good customer relationship

The other day on the Oprah Winfrey Show, Oprah was a introducing a new reality show called "The Undercover CEO". This new reality show is about CEOs of multinational companies going on undercover missions that will place them within the lowest ranks of their own company. By working as a rank and file staff, they will get a closer look at both the good and the bad as the result of their decision as the big boss. They will also learn what the downline feel about the company while discovering the unsung heroes who make their companies run.
One of her guest was Joe DePinto the CEO of 7 Eleven who went to work at few of his stores. Apart from finding out some not too good store policies like throwing away doughnuts after a certain hour, he found two gem in his employees. A particular employee is Dolores Bisangni in the Southampton store, N.Y. DePinto commented that he had always wondered why the Southampton store sold a higher amount of coffee than his other stores. After working at the store he found out that it was not because of the coffee used as all 7 Eleven stores use the same product. It was the service and friendliness provided by Bisangni that got people coming back for more. Bisangni has worked for 7-Eleven for 18 years, has only one kidney and undergoes dialysis treatments twice weekly. She was a real gem on knowing everyone that came in by name. This is another good example of good customer service bringing in repeat business.

1 comment:

  1. The Undercover CEO might be the reality show that I'm looking forward of watching too. It is because I could be able to learn on how to deal with the lowest ranking people in my company when I already have my own. And I will surely want to recommend this to those who are already known. This could really be an inspiring show everyone of us should watch.


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