Make sure everyone in your establishment has the proper product knowledge. They should know what you are selling, the promotional activities and even how to get to your establishment. Don't you hate being pass around when you enquire on something. What will piss your customer more is if the thing they are asking is advertised and your staff don't know anything about it. What I normally do is, every month I will list out all the promotional activities in my place, print it and pass it to staff to keep with them. In it I will put all necessary information like duration of promo, time, price and even the menu. Everyday during our daily pre operations briefing we will catch 3 person, make them read and ask them if they understand.
As for directions, to prevent guest from getting wrong directions thus missing your restaurant, you can prepare some index cards and place them next to your phone. Write out each possible route to your restaurant that you can think off. Use individual cards for individual routes and you can add some more as you go along. This will make it easier for the staff to explain how to get to your place. By having something to relate to the staff will be more confidence to converse online. What we are doing now is creating a FAQ booklet of questions that is frequently asked by the guest. This booklet will not only cover things from our restaurant but also the surroundings. We will give it out to every new staff.
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