Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Most important people in your company "The Staff"

Good Customer Service is all about the people in your organization not much the standards you set up. You can have a great Vision and Mission but if the downline don't understand it, they can't put it to work. One way which I have used is, I print out our Vision and Mission on a card the size of a business card. Laminated it and give it to every staff in my department. In our daily pre operation briefing I make everyone repeat our Vision and Mission together in one voice. Then I catch three of them what they understand about what they have read in their own words. Later I will ask them to give an example each. After doing this we received a lot of positive comments. Don't forget to praise the staff that receives the positive comments. This will lift up their spirits but don't always praise the same staff cause this will make them a diva or primadona. He will think he is unreplaceable.

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