Thursday, May 6, 2010

How to Handle an Angry Customer

In the hospitality business we are often confronted with angry customers. So I always tell my staff that most of the time the customers are not angry at you; it’s only because you are an employee of the hotel and you are the only one in front of them, so naturally you become the target. I tell them sometimes its even nothing to do with the hotel, maybe something happen on the way to the hotel. I even created a funny story to elaborate this issue.
It goes like this "The guest already have driven 3 hours through a winding road, another one kilometer to reach the hotel, there is traffic jam that's take them an hour or more to slowly reach their destination. On top of that, the air conditioner is not working and it rains therefore they cannot wind down the windscreen. To add to their bad luck, somebody lets go gas in the car. And to make matters worse, its the driver's mother in law who is the culprit. So when they reach the hotel, they will eventually blow up at the slightest mistake, even the sight of you smiling at them. So think about, the guest is not angry at you just what has happened to him on the way up. "

So how do you train your staff how to handle this situation. Lets start at the very beginning when the customer walks in.

1. Observe their and your own body language.
When a guest walks in, always observe their body language. Body language can always be used as signals on how angry the guest is. Are their arms crossed, shoulders hunched, restless, staring or acting rude? Even the way he walks can tell you how angry he is. Is it fast or relaxed? You need to always remember the person isn’t mad at you, so you must also observe your own body language. Introduce yourself, and be polite. Try not to have the "Oh shoot, an angry customer. Boy does he look mad." look. Ask the person his name and address him by name. Observe your tone of voice, what you say. Try not to make him wait; look up from your paper work immediately. When talking to him always maintain eye contact.

2. Listen to what he has to say
Let the customer start do not interrupt him, and listen until he has finished speaking. Always maintain eye contact even if he is yelling. Always keep in your mind that he is not angry at you. Most of the time its best to let him let of some steam. Show him that you are paying attention by repeating some of the important points brought up and assure him that you understand and intend to help. Note down the important points so as not to miss out anything. Show empathy, put yourself in his shoes how would you feel if the same thing happened to you.

3. Be very careful on the words you use.
Words like “I only work here,” “It’s against our store policy" ” I’m only following the rules.” will sure to make matters worse. The customer doesn't care if its against hotel policy, he just wants a solution. Assure him you will do your best to solve his problem. If the problem can not be solved immediately ,make sure you inform the customer you will do your best to get an answer and when you will get back to him. And make sure you follow through with a response. Don't forget to get the necessary information so as you can contact him. Many a times we forget to get a customer's contact info cause we want to get rid of him as fast as possible.

4. If you are not Able to help.
What if for any reason or other, you cannot solve the complaint, then it is acceptable to refer the customer to your superior. But make sure you explain this to the customer. Just explain to him that your supervisor will see to his complaint, give him their name and contact information. Again don't make it look like you want to get rid of him. Explain that your supervisor is a person who will be able to assist in his problem. Always let your supervisor know every detail before he/ she meets the customer. This is so he/ she can be prepared before seeing the customer. I never like handling complaints that I don't know head or tail what's going on.

5. Check back for Satisfaction
After you have solved his problem, check back with him if he is satisfied. If you go the extra mile to help solve his problems this will then ensure his loyalty to your company and also to you. I have noticed that most people prefer to go back to the person that have help solved their problems. The reason they have built a high trust level towards you.

Angry customers are always going to be around but if we handle the situation professionally we can turn the situation around and thus built repeat business for us. Keeping customers coming back is the best way to keep profit rolling in. One must remember most customers don't like complaining and there are a very small percentage who simply likes complaining.

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